Managing School Stress for Teen Girls
As school starts back up, there are usually a variety of emotions: excitement for learning new things, seeing friends, or maybe getting back into a routine. Unfortunately though, sometimes stress and worry linger in the background when thoughts of tests, project performance, or making it to class creep in. But back to school doesn’t have to mean back to stress. Although school stress is very real, there are ways to manage the pressure to perform with healthy tools that prevent you from feeling stuck. If you keep reading, we’ll share some ways to combat school stress so you can enjoy your school year to the fullest!
Be prepared for the day ahead
One very easy way to prevent school-related stress is to make sure you’re prepared for your school day. Although we can’t always control everything that happens during our school day, we can control showing up prepared for what we can expect. Being prepared might look a bit different for each person but perhaps it means packing your bag for school the night before so you are less likely to forget something in the morning. Being prepared could also mean keeping your assignments organized so that you don’t misplace them or forget to complete them. Being prepared might also include managing your schedule according to whatever is going on in your day. If you have a test in the morning, staying up late on FaceTime with your friends should likely be saved for the weekend. Being prepared starts with paying attention and knowing what might lie ahead. If you struggle with preparation, ask a trusted friend or adult to help you come up with a plan.
Practice problem-solving skills
High school stress as a teenager seems like the biggest problem in the world when you’re going through it. To be fair, it is likely some of the greatest stress you’ve encountered thus far. It’s normal to feel the heat and the reactions you may be having to school stress are real and valid. At the same time, this is a learning experience for your future because the stakes are high now, but the stakes of life as an adult are also high. While in school you can turn to teachers, mentors, your school counselor, and hopefully your family for support as you learn to identify and address problems that you experience. This gives you an opportunity to practice skills that will be useful to you in the future as an adult.
For example, let’s say you have two big tests on the same day and a very important game for your sport two days before. You’ll need to practice planning and problem-solving to be sure that you make time for both practice and studying while also getting enough rest to be prepared for the long week ahead. Does this mean you need to reschedule the shopping trip with your friend until after your big week? Does it mean you need to schedule your days a bit more diligently and prepare the night before all week? These are questions that should be considered but only you can answer. With the right practice and preparation, anxiety and stress don’t have to show up and ruin the party.
Take care of yourself
When we don’t feel our best, it becomes much harder to manage stress and perform to our highest ability. Eliminating stress often means doing what we can to treat ourselves well, which makes us more resilient to stress and less affected by it. Taking care of yourself emotionally means being kind to yourself, seeking support like therapy for teen girls, or finding a trusted group of friends and loved ones. This also includes making sure you’re eating enough, prioritizing sleep, staying hydrated, and moving your body. Although this list of ways to take care of yourself might seem overwhelming in itself, you can incorporate these steps into your day over time so that they become automatic. Support your sleep by setting timers on your phone that restrict social media and let you know when it’s time to wind down. Start each day with a glass of water after brushing your teeth. Offer to take the dog on its afternoon walk to get some sunlight and movement in. When you look for solutions, it becomes easier to squeeze moments of care into your day.
Make time for fun
Seeking balance is truly the answer when it comes to overall wellness and stress management. Although balance doesn’t always mean equal parts of everything, it does mean that everything on the plate is important. Sometimes school will require more work, and sometimes there will be more time for fun. However, even during your most strenuous school weeks, it's important to give your brain a break and do something you enjoy. If you can’t get away and hang out with friends, maybe take 15 minutes to draw or make something with your hands. Listen to music, have a dance party, or call a friend or family member. Giving your brain a rest from schoolwork and the thoughts of school allows you to release stress and process it for a bit instead of letting it build up.
If you’re looking for more ways to manage school stress and reduce stress-related anxiety, check out one of our recent blog posts: Tips for Dealing with Anxiety as a Teenager. If you’re in need of more support, Blossom Into A Better You offers therapy for teen girls in St. Pete who are navigating things like school stress and other life experiences. Contact us today to learn more!