Therapy for Young Adult Women
As a young adult you are experiencing so many changes in such a short amount of time…
You may be starting college or finding your first job. You may be scrolling through apps looking for casual dates or you may already be in a committed relationship. You may be exploring a new city far away from your family or you may still live at home. Young adulthood looks different for everyone, and you may find yourself asking “am I making the right choices?” and “is everyone doing better than I am?” The comparison, worries, and changes have left you feeling stressed, confused and overwhelmed.
Therapy provides you with a safe and nonjudgmental space to talk about your thoughts and feelings as you experience these life changes. During therapy, you will build a strong sense of self, learn to navigate intimate relationships, and gain the confidence to be able handle anything life throws at you!
Feeling stressed, confused, and anxious as you enter adulthood doesn’t have to be normal. Here you’ll learn tools and techniques to help you navigate life’s challenges and feel like yourself again.
Seeking counseling or therapy as a young woman is normal and healthy
Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re having more bad days than good ones. Or you’ve started to realize that your feelings and actions are starting to impact important parts of your life like school, work and relationships. All you know is that things haven’t “felt right” in a while.
In moments like this, therapy can provide you with an extra level support and guidance to make changes, learn new skills, and feel more connected to the world around you.
Here are some other common reasons you may want to consider therapy:
withdrawing from friends and family
struggling to keep up with your responsibilities
romantic relationships
confusion about your sexuality or gender identity
worrying excessively even about the “small stuff”
preoccupation about your body image
self-harming behaviors (cutting, abusing alcohol/substances, etc.)
You can begin feeling confident, calm, and connected through mental health support and therapy.
Mental health support for life’s big changes
One of the biggest misconceptions among young women seeking mental health support is that they should be able to handle their feelings and emotions on their own. Frequently, I hear clients express:
“I feel lost.”
“I miss my friends.”
“I’m anxious about the changes in my life.”
“All my friends have graduated and I’m still in college.”
“I feel anxious about what’s next in life.”
These feelings are normal and not to be dismissed. Young women are often taught to “manage” their feelings. Our thoughts? “Why manage when you can thrive?” These common experiences reflect big changes in your inner and outer world and you deserve to be supported. At Blossom Into a Better You in St. Pete, we can help.
How Therapy Works to Help Young Adult Women
1. Identify the "problem"
During the beginning stages of therapy, we will work on finding the “root” of the feelings and behaviors that you are experiencing.
2. Understand the Patterns
We will look at your past experiences and current concerns and identify unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns and what is causing you to repeat them.
3. Learn Coping Skills
We will find specific tools and strategies to help you change behavioral patterns, manage stressors, and strengthen your self-esteem.

We will meet for 50-minute sessions weekly or bi-weekly depending on what works best for you! During the session, you will have the chance to talk about situations that may have come up in between sessions and any other topics that are on your mind. I will teach you new skills that you can use instantly to cope with your emotions. We will also have opportunities to process emotions in a variety of ways through art projects, music and more!
No, I will not. Therapy is a safe space to express your emotions privately. The content of your sessions are confidential unless you give me written permission to speak with your parents. The exception to confidentiality is:
If you tell me that you are seriously considering ending your life or that you want to seriously harm someone else. In these instances, I may have to contact parents, emergency services or a mental health crisis center to ensure your safety.
A large part of what makes therapy effective is a trusting relationship between the client and therapist. I suggest attending at least 3 sessions to work through your initial nerves before deciding if I am the right fit for you. My hope is to help, so if you decide that we aren’t a good fit, I will be more than happy to help you find a therapist that is!