What Are the Benefits of a Therapist that Specializes?

When it comes to selecting a therapist, there are a variety of factors that go into the decision making process. While there are many therapists who serve their clients very well across multiple scopes of practice, there is also a strong argument for choosing a therapist that specializes in aspects of your identity and lived experience. The beautiful part about working with a therapist is that you get to choose who feels like the right fit for you, or your daughter if you’re a parent seeking support. Issues that many young women face are exclusive to young women and finding a therapist that specializes can make the transition into therapy feel safer, more comforting, and less jarring. 

Today, we’ll discuss a few reasons that you can greatly benefit from choosing a therapist, like Emily here at Blossom Into A Better You here in St. Pete, FL, that specializes in working with young adult women and girls. 

Field Expertise

One standout benefit of working with a therapist specializing in women and young adult girls is knowing that their scope of practice isn’t divided. Their continued education, and day to day work revolves around helping numerous clients work through similar lived experiences like anxiety in young women, body image concerns, stress management, and other common issues young women and girls face. 

Knowing that your care provider is constantly working to hone their craft and skills as they directly relate to offering therapeutic and services to you adds a level of confidence and assurance in the quality of your care and experience. 

Lived Experience

Although shared lived experience is not required for compassionate, comprehensive care, it is an added layer of comfort for many clients especially regarding issues where they feel misunderstood, or have experienced traumatic outcomes. 

In the case of Emily at Blossom Into A Better You, she is able to draw from her lived experience as a woman who must move through the world as well to better serve her clients as they navigate the joys and challenges of life as a woman in today’s world. 

Diverse Insights

As a result of working exclusively with young adult women and girls, Emily brings a vast wealth of insight into the many experiences across the collective of clients she’s worked with. Though we each have our own unique experiences, there are always common threads that run across our lives. Things like the importance of family connection, having a healthy sleep and exercise schedule, setting social media boundaries, and having activities or hobbies that you do just for fun with no focus on competition or being the best are all examples of emerging common threads that we each can benefit from to build on our overall life improvement and more easily navigate lifes challenges. These insights all contribute to the knowledge and expertise that is embedded in the support you will receive from your therapist.

Community Support

If your service provider offers group therapy services, like we do here in St. Pete, you’ll find yourself with the beautiful opportunity to experience community and build connections with others who share parts of your identity and experiences too. Benefits of connecting with others in a group therapy session may include:

  • Increased accountability

  • A feeling of acceptance

  • Strong emotional bonds

  • New friendships

  • Reduced feelings of loneliness

  • A better understanding of self and others

  • Improved social skills

Hearing new perspectives from others in your community can be eye-opening and offer insight into your own experiences, possibly providing new ways to heal and cope. 

Is a therapist that specializes right for me?

No matter who you are in the world, there are various aspects of your identity that can only be fully understood on an intellectual, emotional, and visceral level by someone who shares that lived experience. Additionally, someone who has made your identity, and the experiences that come with it, their entire scope of work is a tremendous ally for fabulous care. Pair those two together and there are no downsides when it comes to seeking empathy and understanding in a clinical setting that will help you move through emotions, build skills, and improve your quality of life. 

At the end of the day, each client/ therapist dynamic is different and sometimes even with a therapist that specializes, you may need to meet with more than one therapist to find a good fit. However, the odds of a great fit increase when starting with a therapist that specializes. If you’re seeking care from a therapist in the St. Petersburg area who does specialize in individual and group therapy for young adult women and girls, please know that it is okay to ask questions, and be intentional about the therapist you choose to work with. 

Blossom Into A Better You is dedicated to providing safe spaces and compassionate care that empowers young women and girls to build skills and confidence to make connections and create change in their lives. Whether you’re seeking support for high anxiety, body image, LGBTQ+ issues, or family matters, Blossom Into A Better You is a specialized provider for young adult women and girls and also serves as a resource for those navigating other prospective therapists in the St. Pete area. 

To work with us, please connect with us here and we will be in touch as soon as possible. We look forward to supporting you!


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