Find Support for Low Self-Esteem in Teen Girls in St. Petersburg, FL.


As teen girls enter a new stage of life, it is common for them to become increasingly susceptible to societal messages and influence. Unfortunately, there is an abundance of unsafe information dictating how young women should look, behave, and experience the world around them. When absorbed without any external guidance, this can take a toll on self-confidence and self-worth, causing your teen to feel self-conscious or experience low self-esteem.

At Blossom Into a Better You in St. Pete, we are committed to cutting through the noise, uplifting, and empowering teen girls to see the best in themselves. If your teen girl is seeking support, you’re in the right place. 

What to Expect:

When seeking therapy services with us, you’ll find that we work diligently to ensure that your teen has a safe and confidential space to discuss their experiences, concerns, and questions. Each session is tailored to the individual needs of each person and progress is measured on a regular basis to ensure that proper adjustments are made for best results. The goal? A happier, more confident teen with the tools and skills to continue to develop self-confidence while tuning out negative input. 

How to Get Started:

If your teen is ready to receive support, simply contact us to begin an inquiry and set up an appointment. Consultations are free so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Our primary goal is to create a positive therapy experience for your teen so that they benefit as much as possible from the support we can provide to them. 

We look forward to hearing from you and working with your family!

 Schedule a Free Consultation